
Before submitting an abstract, take a few moments to read carefully the submission guidelines, the list of abstract topics and the rules for award application, please.

Click here to check your registration / abstract


Deadline postponed to June 6th, 2008

All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The accepted abstracts will be presented in poster sessions during the meeting.

Abstracts must be submitted online through the meeting website. Those abstracts submitted by regular mail, e-mail or beyond the deadline will be promptly discarded.

Abstracts should contain the following sections: objectives, methods, results and conclusions. The body of the abstract should be no more than 2200 characters, including spaces.

Quantitative results will not be accepted without the associated numerical data (for example, mean, standard error, etc). References should be kept to a minimum and should include publication’s name, volume, first page and year published (e.g.: Brain Res. 472:24, 2007).

Abstracts in English, Spanish or Portuguese containing many grammar errors and/or misspelled words will be rejected.

Use standard abbreviations. When using abbreviations for chemical compounds, spell out in full the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Do not use abbreviations in the title of the abstract.

All first authors must register for the meeting in order to present their poster. Each registered attendee may submit up to two abstracts as first author. A contributing author (when not the first author) is allowed to take part in an unlimited number of abstracts.

The abstract must be inserted into the "Abstract Text" field on the submission page. Please, insert title, authors, keywords and financial support into their respective designated fields separately from the abstract main text.

Sample abstract:

Objectives: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc euismod, velit vitae faucibus fringilla, erat urna commodo turpis, non volutpat eros elit eu purus. Fusce libero diam, consectetuer sed, volutpat in, malesuada at, nibh. Donec semper porta neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos (1). Donec massa purus, suscipit sit amet, dapibus sit amet, auctor non, orci. Sed congue diam nec sem tempus placerat. Quisque dui magna, lobortis id, accumsan ullamcorper, cursus a, sem. Vestibulum magna mauris, rutrum sit amet, vehicula vitae, posuere et, nibh.
Methods: Sed vitae libero sit amet elit fringilla dapibus. Aliquam aliquet imperdiet eros. Vivamus sollicitudin. Nunc metus ligula, luctus nec, eleifend eget, viverra nec, libero. Phasellus auctor feugiat felis. Suspendisse mauris. Vivamus a felis. Cras vitae tellus vel metus semper accumsan. Integer leo mauris, condimentum at, vestibulum eget, malesuada quis, eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur gravida turpis sed quam. Suspendisse est (2).
Results: Sed ut eros a eros tempus luctus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse ultricies. Curabitur rutrum velit et purus: X1 = 155.7 ± 12.4, X2 = 38.1 ± 11.2 (P < 0.05). Etiam volutpat. Cras diam sem, volutpat nec, consequat nec, facilisis at, pede. Nunc a magna vitae leo ullamcorper dictum. Donec tempor sapien id elit. Maecenas bibendum purus ac eros. Curabitur porta leo.
Conclusions: Quisque facilisis lectus eget mauris. Nam hendrerit. In nec elit at quam hendrerit feugiat. Suspendisse facilisis nunc eu est. Aliquam porta sapien sed nunc. Aenean justo. Ut cursus massa nec dolor. Sed venenatis tincidunt sapien. Integer at sapien vitae metus consequat molestie (3). Fusce orci sem, tristique a, tristique vitae, auctor non, turpis. Curabitur dolor. Sed neque ipsum, porta vel, dignissim eget, tincidunt sit amet, pede.
References: 1- Nature 378:565, 1995; 2- Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. 36:907, 2003; 3- Perception 33:621, 2004.

Abstracts must be categorized into topics chosen from the list below. You will have to assign one topic to your abstract when filling in the submission form.

A: Development
A1. Neurogenesis, Gliogenesis and Cell Death
A2. Comparative and Evolutionary Mechanisms
A3. Stem Cells
A4. Axon, Dendrite and Synapse Development
A5. Development of Motor and Sensory Systems
A6. Transplantation and Regeneration

B: Neural Excitability, Synapses, and Glia
B1. Neurotransmitters and Signaling Molecules
B2. Receptors, Transporters and Ion Channels
B3. Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission
B4. Synaptic Plasticity
B5. Intrinsic Membrane Properties
B6. Glia-Neuron Interactions

C: Disorders of the Nervous System
C1. Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders
C2. Developmental Disorders
C3. Epilepsy
C4. Demyelinating, Vascular and Neuromuscular Disorders
C5. Neurotoxicity, Inflammation, Oncology and Neuroprotection
C6. Sensory and Movement Disorders
C7. Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral State Disorders
C8. Addiction and Drugs of Abuse
C9. Trauma and Spinal Cord Injury

D: Sensory and Motor Systems
D1. Chemical Senses
D2. Auditory and Vestibular
D3. Vision, Visual Psychophysics and Visuomotor Integration
D4. Somatosensory and Pain Mechanisms
D5. Multisensory integration
D6. Rhythmic Motor Pattern Generation
D7. Posture and Voluntary movements
D8. Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia
D9. Action-Perception Interactions
D10. Brain-Machine Interface

E: Homeostatic, Neuroendocrine and Behavioral Systems
E1. Neuroendocrine Interfaces
E2. Neuro-Immuno Physiology
E3. Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal and Urogenital Regulation
E4. Stress and the Brain
E5. Thermoregulation and Regulation of Food/Water Intake
E6. Biological Rhythms and Sleep
E7. Sexual and Parental Behavior
E8. Defensive Behavior and Aggression
E9. Social Behavior

F: Cognition and Behavior
F1. Perception and Attention
F2. Learning and Memory
F3. Emotion
F4. Decision Making and Reasoning
F5. Timing and Temporal Processing
F6. Language
F7. Neuroethology
F8. Cognitive Development

G: Computation, Modeling, and Simulation
G1. Artificial Neural Networks
G2. Artificial Life and Evolutionary Algorithms
G3.Data Analysis and Statistics
G4.Mathematical Modeling of Neural Processes

H: Methods and Technology Development
H1. Molecular, Biochemical, and Genetic Techniques
H2. Genomics, Proteomics, and Systems Biology
H3. Staining, Tracing, and Imaging Techniques
H4. Physiological Methods
H5. Bioinformatics
H6. Gene Therapy
H7. Neuropsychopharmacology

I: History, Teaching, and Philosophical Aspects of Neuroscience
I1. History of Neuroscience
I2. Teaching of Neuroscience
I3. Philosophical Approaches to Neuroscience
I4. Public Awareness of Neuroscience
I5. Ethical and Policy Issues in Neuroscience

You may apply for only one award from the list below.

Juarez Aranha Ricardo Prize
All graduate and undergraduate students are eligible for this award. Candidates must be members of the Brazilian Society for Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC) and must have their 2008 membership paid in full at the time of registration as well.

Joaquín Luco Valenzuela Prize
Otorgaremos al mejor trabajo presentado de un estudiante miembro de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia (candidates must be members of the Chilean Society for Neuroscience).

IBRO-Alumni Award
Candidates must have previously been either enrolled on a course/school sponsored by IBRO or the recipient of any scholarship from IBRO.

Candidates must be members of the Brazilian Research Association in Vision and Ophthalmology (BRAVO)

SAN Award
La Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias (SAN) concederá un premio (un libro de neurociencias) al primer autor en el mejor pôster de estudiante Argentino, graduado universitario y tesista de doctorado al momento de la inscripción (candidates must be Argentinean PhD students).



Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociências e Comportamento - SBNeC
© 2008 SBNEC. Todos os direitos reservados